chandos lake


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chandos lake

This is a very popular (and extremely beautiful) lake in the North...


Love this spot....great lake for all activities....boating skiing, fishing ,canoeing, swimming, sailing...this lake is big...clean and warm for summer activities. There are several marinas on this lake.There is an awesome beach with very shallow warm water....a floating raft and a few picnic tables for an afternoon of fun. Just down the road there is a boat launch...This lake is awesome...the township has a regatta in July with all kinds of events......This lake has some of the nicest sunsets I have ever seen.....come enjoy a little piece of paradise:-)


Full disclosure here - my family has a house on this lake but that does not take anything way from this idyllic place. The water is so pure and usually by August fairly warm. If you like wildlife, there are loons, ducks, other interesting birds, deer, beavers and amazing trout. The lake is served by a little town called Apsley which boast a fine grocery store, liquor store and a great duck and dried flower store called Wellington Street. Just outside of town on the 504 is a baker - Artisan Bakery. I can highly recommend the butter tart squares! Back to the lake - it is fairly large and never that busy with noisy watercraft. Most of the bugs are gone by August and at night, the loudest thing one hears are the loons calling. (It actually used to be called Loon Lake.) I can highly recommend this small piece of paradise.


If u can stay on one of the lakes it is well worth the drive Otherwise the town is kinda boring There is no bar in townThe grocery store is expensiveBut very friendly

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