raft one


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

raft one

Located on the Ocoee River, Raft One is your best choice for Ocoee River...


Matt G是我们漂流的向导,他竭尽全力让我们此行终身难忘。他知识渊博,并确保在出发前我们一切准备就绪,每次遇到急流的时候他也会交给我们各种知识。我们带了5个孩子来,大家一致认为此行非常棒,是我们旅行中的亮点。


我们的女儿想在十三岁生日派对上带着一帮朋友去玩儿皮筏漂流。找了两家户外店,都很不友善,我给Raft One打了电话,跟Brent通的话。如果你想在Ocoee划筏子,那就选择Raft One!我们玩儿得很愉快,尽管那天很潮湿、比较冷。顺着筏子底部一路滑下非常刺激!我们一拨人分在了两个筏子上。导游Will和Chad,给那些喜欢冒险的女孩儿安排得很刺激,对于不太爱冒险的那一队,就放缓了一些。做得好!等天气回暖时,我们会再来的,期待在上游划筏子。非常感谢Raft One!Anne


我之前玩过white water raft(漂流),但Raftone给了我一个完全不同的体验,因为他们确实以他们的方式,以确保我们每一次在Ocoee河上荡起来挤到一起时都能感到很刺激。激流的程度是4级(这是你在商业漂流中可以体验到的最高级别),所以它本身就很棒,不过,最好的还是当我们在一块大岩石旁停下来时,还可以把救生筏翻过来当成水滑梯!这真是意想不到的,太棒了。连我男朋友60岁的爸爸也试了试这个水滑梯。我们请了个导游,叫做Will。他的知识丰富,在整个往下漂流的过程中向我们详细地介绍了有关这条河的所有信息。(近两个小时的行程)。我们告诉Will想要尽可能的体验一些野外经历,所以如果我们不能努力冲向一个指定的激流的话,他就会要我们划回去重新再冲一次。到了整个行程的终点,我们其中一个人得到了“骑牛”的机会,其实就是坐在木筏的最前面,冲向最后一个大浪。非常刺激。之后,我们希望找到一些我们之前听说过的酒吧,就位于将田纳西州和佐治亚州分割的地方。佐治亚州被称为是个干旱县,因此你恐怕只能在田纳西州喝上一杯了。Will是唯一一个知道我们在谈论什么的人,当我们问到酒吧时(Patrick's酒吧),他立刻为我们指出了正确的位置。






We had such a great time! The guides were super helpful and patient, which was awesome since we had people of all ages, down to a 4 year old. They had great attitudes and were fun to be around. The owner, Dusty, made getting ready for this trip easy. You couldn't ask for a more friendly guy.


A group of us went rafting for the first time and we loved it! Since it was our first time we didn't know exactly what to expect or do. A little more guidance once we got there would have helped. BUT after we got on the water the instructor Adam was great and we all had an awesome time! I'm sure we'll be back for Ocoee River at Raft One soon! Details: We went in October on Middle Ocoee.


White water rafting with RaftOne was an unforgettable experience! It was a first time for my group of friends and I, and it was a blast!! Adam was our guide and he was amazing. Adam is humorous and knowledgeable and made an effort to answer all of my questions throughout the ride while guiding us safely. All of the RaftOne staff were very friendly and the course had several features that made the rafting experience all the more fun. The fall scenery along the river was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't have asked for a better time. I can't wait to return for more adventures!


I went with my friends from Atlanta to go white water rafting, and honestly I'm not the most outdoorsy person. Generally I'm not into hiking or exploring nature and we went to raft one with the intent of white water rafting. An experience I had never done in my life and never really thought much about. I went with a group of about 10 people and we had Mike and Zach as our tour guides. This trip was a blast, sure the water was cold, and I got kind of wet, but I have never had a more entertaining trip.The view on the ocoee river was beautiful, the tour guides were extremely friendly and made the experience very fun. I am so glad i went outside of my comfort zone to go on this trip, I even rode the bull 3 times! Overall a fantastic trip big shout out to Zach and Mike for being so cool and showing us such a great time. The owner was also very nice and made sure we felt like we were good even though we didnt have a lot of experience.


Great trip! The river guides (thanks particularly to Mike) were competent, friendly and always engaged with all of us. Did I get wet? You bet. But we had a great time! It was a beautiful river during a beautiful time of year (fall). I will definitely come back the next time I am in this a state.


I had the best time on this trip. We had Mike and Zach as our guides and they were awesome! Funny, professional, and willing to let us have as much fun as possible while keeping us safe. I would not hesitate to go back here. Also, the owner is a really nice and genuine person. Overall, it was a very nice trip.


a great experience. the guide was crazy but safe. We will be back! good equipment and preparation main tour.


Dameon, our guide, was awesome! He was friendly, and super knowledgeable. It was a lot of fun and we felt like we were in safe hands! We had the best time! Raft One was very organized, professional, and all the facilities were extremely clean. We will definitely go back to Raft One and request Dameon!


Our group went rafting on the Ocoee Oct. 2014. I have been many times and the Raft One guides were great! Thanks Nick and Zack!! Our kids and Dads had a great time. We are coming biking with you all in a few weeks. Nice outpost and great folks!!!


I had done the Ocoee twice before this trip, and this trip was hands down the best. Our guide, Joey, was very knowledgeable and friendly. Also, this trip also had a few new surprises for me, things that other guided trips do not do. I don't want to spoil anything, but I can guarantee a great experience.

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