centre of visual arts and research


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开放时间: 暂无

centre of visual arts and research

The Centre of Visual Arts and Research (CVAR), located on Ermou Street in...


I recently visited the Centre with my 8 year old grandson and we were both amazed by the art on display and articles of a past era such as costumes, photographs, books and of everyday use. The place is unique in its conception and it is evident that its founders did not spare any efforts or money in presenting to the general public their collections.When in Nicosia, do not miss it.


We were alerted to this outstanding new place on a walk around Nicosia arranged from the tourist information office. The ground floor had a temporary exhibition and then the ramps up to the floors were lined with political cartoons, lithographs, travel posters and pretty much any painting or picture related to Cyprus. Each floor had amazing original water and oil paintings, costumes and other paraphernalia about Cyprus. We met the owner and her husband whilst we were there. They have been amassing this amazing collection since 1984, sourcing the works from all over the world. It is difficult to describe the extent and variety of the works contained here: come along and see for yourself. You won't regret the €5 entry fee as this is absolutely unique.


Recently opened and magnificent. This new arts centre is housed in newly renovated buildings close to the buffer zone in old Nicosia. The theme is Cyprus through the eyes of foriegn artists and there are 4 floors crammed with wonderfully varied images and costume. It's all accessible by ramp or lift. I really like the way they have written all the labels in Turkish as well as Greek and English. There is a small but very nice shop and an excellent café. It's independently owned and run. I rate it as a must-see for Nicosia.


The CVAR is the only Cypriot venue of its type in Cyprus - bicommunal and inclusive of all the people of the island. A phenomenal gallery of quality art, historical pieces and very cosy and rich in stories, colours and eye openers. The restaurant and bar/cafe linked to the CVAR (Balthazar's) is one of the best on the island, and in good weather, has the best rooftop venue in town! Can't get enough of this place and have picked up the new annual membership card for a bargain! Thanks all for a wonderful place to hang out and interact, especially the research centre as well!


This is probably the most extensive collection of books, prints, lithographs, photographs and paintings connected to the region and Cyprus. A wonderfully restored old 'han' that now is both a museum and a great place to meet socially - excellent food in the restaurant and a lovely rooftop bar (in the summer) with fantastic views over Nicosia - and a continuously running slide show of photos/videos in the collection, transporting you back to the 1920s, 30s and 40s for a real flavour of how Nicosia used to be - and how it has developed.


Trouvé, encore par hasard, lors d' une longue promenade pédestre, dans le vieux Nicosie, à proximité de la porte de Famagouste, de l' église Chrysaliniotissa et de la mosquée Taht-El-Kale.Le CVAR est ouvert depuis 4/5 mois, de 9h30 à 16h30, fermé le lundi en hiver ou le dimanche en été. Y est exposé l' héritage, multiculturel, de Chypre essentiellement depuis 1400 à nos jours. Le tout réparti sur un rez de chaussée et 3 étages. Toutes les formes d' Art y sont représentées.Il y est trouvé, également, les "choses ordinaires de la vie", qui pour certaines sont dans des meubles à tiroirs qui ne demandent qu' à être ouverts ! Nous avons eu un faible pour celui sur le mariage...La période vénitienne y est bien documentée, L' ottomane également.Ce centre est une Fondation à but non lucratif, le personnel y semble passionné par ce qu' il peut montrer. *Pour faire bref il y a un millier de peintures, 5000 livres, des lettres de voyageurs ou d' indigènes sur une période de plus de 6 siècles. Des photographies anciennes y sont visiblesVous pourrez vous relaxer dans le café, voire vous restaurer et comparer vos opinions sur votre visite.Entrée 5 €uros.Au cas ou vous n' auriez pas remarqué nous sommes vraiment emballés !


Το Κέντρο Εικαστικών Τεχνών και Έρευνας είναι ένα τετρόροφο κτίριο(εκθεσιακοί χώροι, ερευνητικό κέντρο, καφετέρια) που κάποτε ήταν οθωμανικό χάνι, στο οποίο διοργανώνονται και διάφορες εκδηλώσεις. Βρίσκεται στην παλιά πόλη, κοντά στην Πύλη Αμμοχώστου. Με την είσοδό σου λοιπόν, σου δίνουν ένα πολύ κατατοπιστικό έντυπο και μια εξυπηρετικότατη υπάλληλος σου δίνει οδηγίες πρόσβασης. Στους ορόφους του απολαμβάνεις πίνακες, ενδύματα και αντικείμενα των τελευταίων χρόνων από τοπία και ανθρώπους της Κύπρου, φτιαγμένα είτε από Κύπριους είτε από ξένους. Ο τρόπος τοποθέτησης και περιήγησης είναι πολύ καλός, ευχάριστος και ξεκούραστος, ιδιαίτερα αν συνοδεύεσαι από παιδιά (εκπαιδευτικό δωράκι). Αυτό που μας έμεινε είναι οι γνώσεις και η ομορφιά του τόπου μας που ποτέ δεν προσέξαμε.Συγχαρητήρια στους συντελεστές του έργου.

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