dearborn historical museum


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dearborn historical museum


Since we live in Dearborn we had not visited here in 20 years! Had a great time and liked what we saw. Gave us a deeper understanding of how our hometown came to be. Definitely worthwhile!


The Dearborn Museum is located in downtown Dearborn in what was once part of Fort Dearborn, an armory and military depot from the late 1700s to about 1870. It has several period displays and quite a bit of local Civil War unit history and arms. It is free and staffed by volunteers who are friendly, easy to talk to, and full of interesting local and historical information. It's worth an hour or so to visit.


Great small museum reflecting life in the Detroit area during the revolutionary war era. Close to The Henry Ford, easy to access from main roads and near lots of shopping and great restaurants.


This is the hometown of Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company Headquarters but the city has much more to offer than this., It's history goes back to pre-revolutionary times and that is the beginning point in this museum. Ford is just a chapter! Dearborn was an agricultural center and stopping spot along the Chicago Road. It housed the military arsenal for Fort Detroit. It's clay pits provided bricks for the construction of houses, roads, and factories. There is a wealth of information in this little museum and I would encourage anyone to put it on your tour.

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