vicksburg national cemetery


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vicksburg national cemetery



To see the graves of thousands of mostly young men is heartbreaking, but it is our history, like it or not.


So much bigger than I expected. You can really see the history, trenches are preserved in amazing detail. Expect to need 8 hours or more to see everything. $8 per private carload and pass is valid for 7 days.


what can you say about a cemetery with so many graves marked "unknown" or with just a number.I walked the length and thought about the useless slaughter, so many lives lost, so many futures ruined. and unless you have no heart it does bring a tear or two to your eye.worth the seeing, worth the thinking.


The drive through this cemetery makes real the significant loss of life that occurred at the battle and siege of Vicksburg. The Union fallen were not initially buried here, but were transferred here from where they were originally buried when the cemetery was established. The Confederate fallen are buried in a separate cemetery. What is remarkable are the number of unknown soldiers. They are marked with shorter cube-shaped markers (see pictures) as opposed to those who are identified that have standard military headstones


All of our National Cemeteries are hallowed ground and this one feels especially special. It is located adjacent to the Vicksburg Military Park and worth visiting.


We downloaded the app and were able to make our way through the park in about 2 hours, the time we had to visit. You could stay much longer and still find interesting facts about the battle. Be certain to see the introductory film.


The National Cemetary lies on a slope next to USS-Cairo museum, and consist of rows of mostly unmarked gravestones, but serves as a reminder on the many lives that were lost during the Civil war.


All National Cemeteries are, but this one was more so when you also consider the History. It was late by the time we drove through, but the sun was setting and it was lovely.


17,000 dead lay here with 75% unknown .. second to Arlington's cemetery in size .. lotta history lays here .. within the Vicksburg battlefield tour .. quick easy drive tour


The cemetery is accessed via the battlefield tour. It is a very moving and touching experience. The setting is beautiful and so serene. It is so hard to imagine that out of the 17,000 Union soldiers buried here, more than 13,000 are unknown...someone's father, brother, husband...very touching. Be sure to take the time to drive through while on the battlefield tour.


What a reverent tribute to all those affected by the Civil War Soldiers and ordinary citizens. The 16 mile drive through the battlefields and markers and monuments brought ..real meaning to the visit..


When one realizes that everyone of the short block headstones is a father or a brother or a son that did not return home and was not identified, the horrors of the Civil War are REALLY driven home. I'm so glad that a portion of this cemetery is available through the Park Tour.


I was amazed that only Union soldiers were buried here. Confederate soldiers were buried outside the park.


The cemetery is contained within the National Military Park. It is a peaceful area and having seen the video inside before doing the tour, you cannot but visualise the terror and fear that they young men would have gone through in appalling conditions.Many of the headstones are just markers with no names. Those that have names are a sober reminder of how young these men were. It makes you think about your own family and leaves you with a sense of sheer sadness that so many lost their lives.


This national cemetery is one of the most beautiful I've been in. The entire area is immaculate. You can spend as much or as little time here as you want. Whenever I tour a battlefield cemetery, I like to simply walk around and look at the names/numbers on the grave markers. I usually end up sitting for awhile several times during my walk. It's an excellent place for thought and contemplation. If you're in the area, don't miss the chance to see this amazing place. Whether you come from the North or the South, your heart will be moved.

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