sito archeologico di maeva


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sito archeologico di maeva


Well maintained historical site with a museum. I enjoyed visiting this area while touring the island on bicycle. It makes for a nice rest stop regardless of car tour or bike tour.


We were on Paul Atillah's tour, with limited time on this island from our Wind Star cruise. If you are staying on the island, as you should if you FP itinerary allows, certainly you will visit here. Lucky you, as we did not really have time in our short tour to do the museum justice. Lucky for us, we had Paul to help find and explain the highlights, and even if you have a full day to get the excellent education this site and museum have to offer, hooking up with Paul for one of his tours will leave you even better informed and appreciative.


Paul Atallah's tour of the archaeological sites at Maeva is terrific! See my review in English, filed under "Island Eco Tours."


Interesting site, recalls Easter Island for the monolites. It's not like roman ruins, but nice to see.


Don't miss it, it's an archeological place with a very small museum near the lagoon. I recommend you to visit the archeological spots with Paul Atallah from Eco Tours. An American anthropologist.


loved the setting of the small museum and the surrounding complex situated on the lagoon, than hiking the nearest hill


We have tried this hike on our own and did not figure it out.We then went with someone who knew the way.I imagine if you ask at Fare Potee you can hire a guide,A beautiful hike.Go early in the morning before it gets too hot, though.A guide can also provide you with the fascinating information about this site.Amazing to think of all of the stonework and how it was done.


Do this with Huahine Radonnee. You can make this hike alone through the woods as it's not a difficult hike but Terii really knows his stuff and has a love for his people's history and culture that I truly admire. He showed us the skeletons inside the marae and the rock where human sacrifices were performed. We walked through the sacred tree and it was all truly memorable.


Très fidèle reconstruction sur un site pittoresque chargé d'histoire et de coutumes ancestrales polynésiennes.Les objets présentés sont authentiques et bénéficient d'explications précises.Le personnel est attentif et toujours disponible pour répondre aux questions et donner des conseils aux visiteurs.


Il sito è sicuramente il piu bello di tutta la polinesia ma non aspettstevi grandi cose con tutto il rispetto è un'immensa piattaforma sul mare e il resto dovete immaginarvelo.


Il sito di Maeva ho ridestato in me immagini ancestrali, l'eco di esperienze già vissute . La roccia vulcanica con cui è costruito l'ahu, pulsa ancora di ricordi del passato. Per chi come me è appassionato di storia delle civiltà non può esimersi visitando la splendida isola di Huahine, di soffermarsi in questo luogo magico


Si tratta di un sito archeologico posizionato a nord dell'Isola di Huahine, che conserva alcuni marae di importante valore storico e un piccolo museo (ingresso con una donazione di 200XPF).Molto caratteristico e da vedere nel tour dell'isola.

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